5 foods that may trigger or worsen epilepsy

5 foods that may trigger or worsen epilepsy

From movement and awareness to thinking, speech, and hearing, the CNS controls several integral bodily functions. Epilepsy is a CNS-related disorder caused by brain activity abnormalities, triggering abnormal behavior phases. Muscle stiffness, uncontrollable body jerks, and loss of consciousness are some of its common symptoms. A systematic treatment course, a healthy meal plan, and some lifestyle changes can help control epilepsy symptoms. Here are some foods patients with epilepsy should avoid or limit: Bananas Bananas contain high potassium levels, which is an essential nutrient for the body. However, excessive banana consumption will lead to excess potassium concentration in one’s body. This may lead to periodic seizures. Thus, patients with seizures must consume bananas in limited quantities. Sugary foods and beverages Increased sugar intake can spike in blood sugar levels, which may trigger seizures in some people. Consequently, it helps to avoid foods and beverages containing high sugar concentrations, including soft drinks and processed foods. Baked items Baked foods are typically prepared using refined flour and contain trans fats, which can increase one’s risk for cholesterol and heart diseases, including cardiac arrhythmia. Cardiac arrhythmia can lead to convulsive syncope, characterized by seizure-like symptoms. Thus, it is important to avoid or limit having baked foods like cakes, pastries, and bread, particularly if they are store-bought.
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6 foods that can worsen hearing problems

6 foods that can worsen hearing problems

Research indicates that one in eight people in the country, aged 12 years or older, lives with hearing loss in both ears. Thus, loss of hearing is a prominent issue that needs to be addressed. Recent technological advancements have resulted in several interventions to enhance hearing, including hearing aids, brainstem implants, and other assistive devices. In addition, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and avoiding certain types of food can contribute to healing from hearing loss. Red meat Red meat is high in saturated and trans fats, which can cause plaque to generate in the arteries and impede blood circulation. Sometimes, poor blood circulation can contribute to hearing impairments, such as tinnitus. Baked foods Baked foods contain large amounts of refined sugar and carbohydrates, especially store-bought products like cakes, pastries, and puddings. High glucose levels in the blood can damage the small blood vessels and nerves present in the inner ear. Monosodium glutamate Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is an excitatory neurotransmitter that can cause neurological damage, tinnitus, and hearing loss. Thus, it is advisable for individuals at risk of or grappling with hearing loss to avoid or limit foods from restaurants or ready-to-eat foods, which usually contain MSG. Caffeine Excessive intake of caffeinated beverages such as tea and coffee can increase one’s blood pressure, triggering a ringing sensation in the ears and conditions like tinnitus.
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