9 unusual but effective ways to repel mosquitoes

9 unusual but effective ways to repel mosquitoes

A mosquito bite can cause an irritating, itchy sensation to the point of distraction. Moreover, mosquito bites are associated with various diseases, including malaria, dengue, yellow fever, and chikungunya. Today, several prevention measures exist for mosquito bites, ranging from traditional ones like bug sprays to more modern interventions. Choosing the right strategy to repel mosquitoes depends on the setting and the available resources. Read on to learn some effective ways to keep mosquitoes away:

Use citrus peel
Citrus peels contain natural oils which are highly effective in repelling mosquitoes. Thus, it helps to spray a solution made of citrus peels around the house or place citrus peels at different corners to keep mosquitoes away.

Place catnip plants in outdoor areas
While catnips are known to have a wide range of effects on cats, from hyperactivity to zoning out, they are also excellent additions to an outdoor space to prevent mosquito bites. Planting catnip plants around outdoor locations can help prevent mosquitoes from ruining one’s outdoor event or a relaxed evening by the lawn.

Spray lemon eucalyptus essential oil
This essential oil is a proven mosquito repellent when applied on the skin. Moreover, spraying a solution of it indoors or outdoors is another effective way to avoid mosquitoes. This DIY solution can be prepared by mixing a teaspoon of lemon eucalyptus essential oil and about a quarter cup of coconut oil and diluting it with some water.

Spread coffee grounds
Spreading out coffee grounds is a highly effective way of keeping mosquitoes away from one’s premises. It may also prevent mosquito egg growth.

Use garlic spray
Garlic contains allicin, a compound that is extremely potent in repelling mosquitoes. Moreover, its strong smell suffices to drive mosquitoes away. Garlic spray can be made at home by crushing a few garlic cloves, boiling them in water, cooling it, and straining the solution. One can spray it in one’s premises to prevent mosquitoes from entering the area.

Trim grass blades regularly
Mosquitoes typically rest and lay eggs amid tall grass blades; hence, not maintaining one’s lawn may cause the breeding of mosquitoes. It is important to mow one’s lawn once a week during the growing season and at least every other week at other times of the year.

Invest in bug zappers
Bug zappers are electrifying devices that are visually appealing, leveraging ultraviolet rays to attract mosquitoes toward them, and delivering an electric shock when they are in close proximity. Although bug zappers may be used indoors as well as outdoors, they need to be plugged in; hence, one would need to install a plug point at outdoor locations if they intend to place bug zappers there.

Prepare an apple cider vinegar spray
Mosquitoes tend to dislike the smell of apple cider vinegar; therefore, it may be an effective mosquito repellent. One can either spray apple cider vinegar or dip cotton balls in apple cider vinegar solution and place them around the area to prevent mosquitoes.

Turn on the fans or install table fans
Mosquitoes usually steer clear of places with moving air or fans. Hence, it is a good idea to turn on the fans in indoor spaces or install table fans outdoors to repel mosquitoes. It helps to ensure that there is sufficient breeze and ventilation in the area so that mosquitoes do not breed.