9 red flags indicating a partner may be cheating

9 red flags indicating a partner may be cheating

Sustaining a long-term relationship involves commitment, understanding, and mutual trust. While jumping to conclusions regarding sensitive topics like cheating is unwarranted, individuals in a relationship should be attentive to sudden changes in their partners’ behavior and communication patterns. Being alert can help promptly identify if one’s partner is having an affair and take the necessary steps to improve the relationship. Below are some surprising signs that suggest one’s partner may be having an affair.

Going out of the way to hide one’s phone

Most people in healthy relationships do not find the need to check each other’s phones. However, when one’s partner goes the extra mile to hide their phone and messages, it may be a sign of cheating. Moreover, a partner having an affair may reset the phone password and not share it or turn off notifications from messaging platforms.

Obsessively talking about someone new

Meeting new people and establishing healthy connections is part and parcel of life. However, concerns may arise when one’s partner talks endlessly about a new friend, colleague, acquaintance, etc., to the extent of ignoring other topics of conversation.

Being at home for a small amount of time

It is not uncommon for people to have demanding work schedules that require them to spend prolonged hours away from home, attending work-related matters, meetings, and events. The red flag is when one suddenly starts staying away from home for long periods and shows little interest in household affairs, even during their limited hours at home. Such physical and emotional absence from home may be a sign that one’s partner is having an affair.

Increasing emotional distance

While physical distance can perhaps make the heart fonder, emotional distance can cause severe strains in the relationship. A healthy and happy relationship demands emotional connection, which may be compromised if one of the partners engages in an affair. Increasing emotional distance over time may indicate that a partner is getting closer to someone else.

Communicating less than usual

A noticeable decrease in communication can be considered a sign that one’s partner is having an affair. The partner having an affair may actively avoid conversations, ignore what their significant other is saying, or show distracted behavior like fidgeting with their phone.

Being unusually secretive about the day’s events

When one’s partner is usually in the habit of talking about their day but turns suddenly secretive about the day’s events, it can be considered a potential red flag.

Unusual spending patterns

When one’s partner usually exercises financial caution but suddenly splurges excessively, it may point toward the possibility of an affair. In such cases, one’s credit card bills may shoot up, or their bank balance may reduce considerably. If this unusual activity happens frequently, there are chances that one’s partner is spending the money on someone else.

Not providing direct answers

In the case of affairs outside of a relationship, a partner may avoid even simple, direct questions, providing unconvincing answers or evading the question altogether. It may happen because they are trying to hide a certain activity or the time spent with someone.

Going on the defensive when confronted

People in a relationship go on the defensive when confronted about their behavior that causes suspicion. They may yell at their partner, avoid all conversations, or storm out.

While these signs may raise concerns about a potential affair, it is important to remember that they can also be attributed to other factors such as stress, insecurity, or other personal issues. Therefore, instead of jumping to conclusions, facilitating healthy and open communication and approaching the situation with empathy will help build trust and address the root of the problem.